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check_mounts - nagios plugin for checking missing and lost mounts


check_mounts [ -A(0|1|2|3|4) ] -w warnlevel -c critlevel [ -u unit ]


check_mounts is a nagios plugin for checking missing and lost mounts. It compares all mounts of /proc/mounts to entries in /etc/fstab for missing mounts. It also checks every mount with a statfs() call to detect lost mounts like i.e. gone NFS-mounts. If everything is fine then the result value is 0. If a mount is missing then the value is 1. If a mount is broken then the value is 2.


-w warnlevel
Specify the warning level. The value must be greater than the warnlevel to trigger.

-c critlevel
Specify the critical level. The value must be greater than the critlevel to trigger.

-u unit
Specify an optional unit string which is placed after the remote value and which is visible in nagios.

Specify the level of the remote value which must be reached to print the additional data. "-A0" causes printing if state is "OK" and "-A4" will disable printing. "-A1" is currently the default setting.

Return Value

According to the Nagios Plugin API the Return Code is 0 for state "OK", 1 for "WARNING", 2 for "CRITICAL" and "3" for "UNKNOWN".

See Also

check_remote_by_http(1) , knoerred(1) , knoerre(1)


Frank Bergmann, udp://

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